How much do celebrities spend on beauty treatments?

4th May 2020

Did you know that bee venom and placenta facials were even a thing? What about inlaid-crystal manicures? According to the Harper’s Bazaar website, such beauty treatments do exist, cost £thousands (£millions, even!), and the rich and famous appear to pay these extortionate amounts in their quest for beautification without a second thought.

As anyone who’s undergone beauty treatments is aware, some skin, lips and nail beauty regimes are costly. If the regular woman (or man) off the street spends huge sums visiting her (or his) beauty therapist, just imagine how much wealthy celebrities dish out on luxurious treatments to maintain their looks. Their image is, essentially, their trademark, after all.

In today’s blog, you can discover what this reputed extravagant expenditure equates to. For example, apparently Celine Dion spent $2.5 million (£2 million) on a humidifier for her Las Vegas hotel room, Madonna splurged $99,000 (£79K) on an anti-cellulite device and Mila Kunis forked out $8,900 (£7.1K) on a ruby facial.

The other distinguished people featured in Harper’s Bazaar top ten list are Rihanna, Serena Williams, Gigi Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham and Kate Middleton with treatments ranging from an Evian bath comprising 1,000 litres of spring water to hiring a personal hair stylist on a full-time basis. Even the cheapest treatment cited in this article comes in at $325 (£259) a time.

Whilst the majority of us don’t have the big budgets of our screen, stage and royal stars, spending on beauty treatments is rising in the UK to the tune of around £8-9 billion per year (including hairdressing treatments).

Although none of us is currently in a position to visit our local beauty salon due to lockdown restrictions, when social distancing measures are eventually relaxed and salons open their doors once again, remember to apply caution when embarking upon any treatments.

Should you be considering booking an appointment with your beauty therapist post lockdown – be it lip fillers, Botox, eyebrow and lip liner tattoos, or whatever – make sure you know the risks, ask about potential side effects and find out what to do in the unfortunate circumstance that things go awry.

For the latter – botched beauty treatments – please get in touch with our dedicated team to discuss your next steps.

Please email, call 0800 141 3682 or 0333 202 6560, or complete our online enquiry form.

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